Love, Doubt, and New Beginnings

Hello world, it's me again. 

It's been a while. Longer than I would like to admit and longer than I had intended. While I would love to promise monthly posts, I know better than to make a promise I may not be able to keep. However, I am really striving to do better. For you, my dear readers, wherever you are... and for me. A wise friend recently told me: find the thing you love and do it. 

Writing is my thing, it always has been. It is a love that has gotten swept away from time to time, buried beneath the responsibilities of life, the stressors of growing up, and the chaos of mental illnesses. It is a love I am drawn to return to, a love that burns constantly, waiting to burst into flame when I am ready to pick up my pen or let my fingers fly across the keys. 

I'll admit it's taken me days to write this post. The first sentence sat alone, daring me to write what I truly wished to say. Yet every time I put my fingers against the keys, the cursor stayed in place, blinking in rhythm with my anxious heartbeat. No one reads these. No one relates to your words. No one cares what you write. No one missed these posts. Why start again. Just delete the blog and move on with your life.

I couldn't write. I almost gave up. But then I realized it doesn't matter. Maybe no one does read these. Maybe no one cares what I write. Maybe no one has missed these posts. But I can't stop. Writing is my love. My outlet. These posts are just as much for me as they are for anyone who may stumble across them and stop to read them. I'm writing because I love to write. I want to write. I need to write. 

So, here I am breathing life back into this blog. I'm on a continuous journey of growth and discovery. I can't tell you what the next posts will be about or how frequently they will come, this blog has been and will continue to be my little time capsule of thoughts, feelings, lessons, and experiences. I would love for you to join me but understand if you want to pass by. Our lives are stories woven into the fabric of time, from birth to death, before we even begin to live them.

This is how I tell my story.


  1. Replies
    1. I am really glad you’re back and I always enjoy reading your blog. Dhyan


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