Wrapping Up 2021

Hello Dear Friends,

As I sit at my grandma's dining room table, looking out the window at the snow-filled yard, I am caught in a world of reflection. Time seems to be as frozen as the winter scene on the other side of the glass. The snowman my brother and I build is slowly thawing and while the sun may slowly melt it from existence, I  smile, knowing that the memory is solidified in my heart.

The closing of another year is always a time of mixed emotions. I get sad sometimes, pondering all the time that has been spent, but then again, there is a new chapter on the horizon, a blank slate for adventure, dreams, and growth. 2021 has been a rollercoaster of a year and has felt like one of the longest years of my life. From transitioning out of certain positions to cultivating new friendships, from graduating to pursuing another degree, from traveling familiar places to new experiences, from losing loved ones to fighting for the ones I still have, from having a plan for life to now being in a place where I so lost in unknowns that I can only trust in Jesus for a future that seems so far out of reach.

These past few months I have not blogged and barely written fiction or non-fiction. While these things are dear to my heart, I learned some time ago, that sometimes one must simply let themselves rest. There are things that will still be there tomorrow and for today, it is okay to say "not now" and just let oneself be. One cannot run on empty very long. So, I allowed myself to only do the things which had to be done and let the things which could wait, wait.

As 2022 approaches, I continue to trust in Jesus. He has my best at heart and He is at work. It is a difficult path to walk, but one I strive to continue each day. I am clutching onto Jesus, my hand firmly wrapped around His. Some days I feel His love blanketing me and Jesus leads me or we walk side by side. Other days, I can't feel Him and I look up and ask, "Jesus, are you still there? I'm lost and scared. I need you to lead." And He is faithful to lead. 

While the future is full of uncertainty, I am filled with hope and dreams. Whatever comes in the new year, I know there is a reason and so I welcome it. The beauty. The challenge. The sorrow. The joy. I pray that you are able to fully embrace the new year and all that it holds. May the love and peace of Jesus go with you as well. 


                                       J. S.


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