
The hardest thing with blogging for me is coming up with a topic. The actual writing part isn't too bad. It's the beginning. The starting point. The one thing you must know before you begin: what you are writing about.

I must confess that before writing this, I wrote a paragraph for at least four different topics. It ranged from motivational posts to encouragement for writers. Then I deleted them all. They just weren't hitting the mark. My next thought was to try titles. Sometimes if I come up with a clever title it inspires me to write on that subject. That too, was no good.

"Falling In Love" was going to be a post about falling in love with writing. Then it changed to "Falling In Love Again", which was still going to be about writing but with a humorous tone. It turned into "Falling In Love With Writing" so that the title was not misleading. I didn't want readers clicking on the article thinking they were going to get a juicy article about me finally finding my Prince Charming and instead get a post about my current love-hate relationship with writing. Let's be honest, it would be disappointing on so many levels.

I gave up on the titles and came up with this, which you are hopefully still reading. An insight piece on the life of a writer determined to get rid of writers block and create something that someone in the world will relate with. Whether or not I have achieved that, I'll probably never know, which means I cans simple believe that this post made at least one person smile, nod their head, or filled a few minutes of time they were trying to kill.

To my fellow struggling writers, you can do it. Whatever you create, it may not be for everyone but just maybe there is that one person out there who needed those words. Your words. Or maybe it was something that you needed to hear yourself. You gave life to an idea and you set it free. And that is all that matters.


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