
Are you having a rough day? Feeling discouraged? Tired of having no energy? Set aside whatever is worrying you, draining your joy, or stressing you out and just breathe. Sit up, clear your mind, and concentrate on each breath.

Inhale 1...2...3...4...5... Exhale 1...2...3...4...5...

Now, roll those shoulders. Forwards. Backwards.

Inhale 1...2...3...4...5... Exhale 1...2...3...4...5...

Tilt your head to the side, to your chest, to the other side.

Inhale 1...2...3...4...5... Exhale 1...2...3...4...5...

Think of whatever is bothering you and continue to breathe deeply. Don't let it change your breathing. Take those thoughts captive. Filter them. Are they true? Are they worthy of your time? Are you being kind to yourself? Keep breathing deeply. Surrender the things you have no control of. Give them to Jesus. Let go. Reject any negative thoughts you have or lies you told yourself. They do not define you and they have no place in your mind. You are a child of God. You can get through this. You will be okay. This too, shall pass. This trial will not last forever. You are not alone. Remember that.

"You are stronger than you think." A. A. Milne wrote that. It's true, even if you don't believe it, it's true. Look back at all those times you said, "I don't think I can do this" or "I'm not strong enough." Well, you made it. You have gotten this far. You know why? Jesus was with you every step of the way. You may not have known it, but He was. He cares. He loves you. Breathe.

You are here for a reason. You have further to go. You will be victorious. So whatever comes your way, the worry, the stress, the exhaustion, give it to Jesus. Be kind to yourself. Breathe.

Inhale 1...2...3...4...5... Exhale 1...2...3...4...5...


  1. I love it, sweet friend and sister!<3 the Lord has shown you some awesome things! Always glad when you share them :)


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